Mesa Arts Event

Your Voice Matters: Meet Mesa’s Arts and Culture Director Finalists

Mesa stands at an exciting juncture as the city delves into the final stages of selecting its new Arts and Culture Director, who will also serve as the Mesa Arts Center Executive Director. From a pool of exceptional applicants, the top five candidates have emerged.

I invite my fellow Mesa community members to play an active role in this pivotal decision. Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 13, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., the Mesa Arts Center Ikeda Stage at 1 E. Main Street will open its doors for an inclusive open house. The event's informal structure allows residents the flexibility to attend as their schedule permits. Each finalist will have a designated spot on the stage, enabling attendees to interact, ask questions, and gauge the vision of each candidate.

I value your insights. As you chat with our potential directors, please use the comment sheets provided. I want to ensure your feedback plays a role in shaping Mesa's cultural future.