Mark Freeman, the candidate for Mayor of Mesa, Arizona.

Mesa needs a dedicated leader for Mayor who will prioritize the values we hold dear: faith, family, and freedom. Mark Freeman is committed to ensuring the safety of our community, upholding law and order, protecting our rights under the Second Amendment, promoting responsible fiscal policies, and enhancing America's global position. With Mark Freeman at the helm, Mesa will flourish, and our fundamental principles will be upheld.

mark freeman speech

Mark Freeman, the candidate for Mayor of Mesa, Arizona.

Mesa needs a dedicated leader for Mayor who will prioritize the values we hold dear: faith, family, and freedom. Mark Freeman is committed to ensuring the safety of our community, upholding law and order, protecting our rights under the Second Amendment, promoting responsible fiscal policies, and enhancing America's global position. With Mark Freeman at the helm, Mesa will flourish, and our fundamental principles will be upheld.


Crime And Public Safety:

Mark understands the rising crime rate in Mesa is a pressing concern. He believes in bolstering the city's efforts to address this issue and ensuring the safety of its residents. Mark supports the hiring of additional police officers to strengthen law enforcement and maintain a secure community.



Mark shares the concerns about the quality of education in Mesa. He advocates for increased investments in schools, empowering them to provide students with the tools necessary for success in college and careers. Mark believes in fostering an educational environment that equips our youth for a prosperous future.


Jobs And The Economy:

Mark recognizes the importance of a thriving economy in Mesa. He is committed to creating more job opportunities by implementing pro-growth policies that stimulate entrepreneurship and support local businesses. Mark aims to foster an environment where businesses can prosper, contributing to a vibrant economy.


Growth And Development:

Mark understands the need for responsible growth and development that preserves the unique character and quality of life in Mesa. He is dedicated to managing growth in a way that respects the community's values, ensuring a sustainable and livable city for current and future generations.



Mark believes that we must find common sense and cost effective solutions to traffic congestion in Mesa. Mark is committed to putting Mesa's roads first when it comes to spending your tax dollars on transportation. Unlike some politicians, Mark opposes fiscally irresponsible transportation projects that are not supported by Mesa residents or do not provide real reductions in traffic congestion. As our next Mayor, Mark's top transportation priority will be to ensure Mesa has a strong and financially responsible transportation infrastructure that works for Mesa residents.