Mark Freeman Mesa Council

Powering Mesa’s Sustainability

A Strategic Move Towards Diversified Power Generation

In my current role as a Mesa City Councilman and as a candidate for Mesa Mayor, I have a clear vision for our city's future. A vision that incorporates sustainable development at its very core. Climate action isn't merely about tree planting or conservation efforts – although those are undoubtedly important. It's about building sustainable infrastructure and making far-reaching decisions that impact not only us but generations to come.

One significant step in this direction is diversifying Mesa's power portfolio. It is an initiative that, I believe, is critical to future-proofing our city, strengthening our resilience, and driving sustainable growth.

A key element of this initiative recently came to fruition with Mesa's strategic move to purchase land worth $2.6 million, aimed at boosting power generation. You can find more details about this land acquisition in this Mesa Tribune article: Link

The decision to acquire this land for power generation is one that has been in the works for years. Both former member Kevin Thompson and I have consistently urged the city to explore such opportunities. Personally, I fully stand by the process through which this acquisition was made. It bypassed the council, but federal guidelines were followed meticulously. I’m glad to see the establishment of a microgrid in the area, a crucial component for sustainable power generation.


In addition to my role on the City Council, I also serve on the Salt River Project Association Council. This experience has underscored the importance of diversifying Mesa's electrical portfolio. Natural gas plants, for instance, can be powered within mere minutes when necessary, a feature that greatly contributes to our city's resilience.

Had this land purchase been presented to the council, I am confident it would have received full approval. This project aligns with our commitment to ensuring Mesa's growth is sustainable and beneficial for all residents.

As I continue my campaign for Mesa Mayor, you can trust that I will remain steadfast in my commitment to these principles. Together, we can create a sustainable future for our city.

Stay tuned for more updates on our city's sustainable initiatives, and don't forget to join the conversation using the hashtags #SustainableMesa, #ClimateAction, and #MesaMayor2023. Your voice matters, and together, we can make Mesa a leader in sustainable urban development.