Mesa Historic Preservation Foundation

Mesa’s Historic Preservation Program: Preserving Legacy

Mesa's history is not just a collection of past events; it's a rich tapestry that tells the story of our city's growth, challenges, and triumphs. This history is a legacy, a treasure that we owe to future generations to preserve and celebrate. Mesa's Historic Preservation Program is a testament to Mesa's dedication to its unique cultural heritage. This program ensures that the architectural and cultural landmarks that have shaped our city's identity are protected and celebrated.

Understanding Mesa's Historic Preservation Program:

Monthly Historic Preservation Board Meetings: These meetings serve as a platform for citizens to engage, discuss, and contribute to the preservation efforts. It's an opportunity for the community to come together and share their insights, ensuring that the preservation efforts are inclusive.

Fostering Civic Pride: By understanding and appreciating our past, we foster a sense of civic pride. This pride is essential as it binds the community together, ensuring that we move forward with a shared purpose.

Our history defines us, and preserving it is not just a responsibility but a privilege. I urge every Mesa resident to engage with the Historic Preservation Program and play an active role in safeguarding our city's legacy.

Details about the meetings can be found here: