Mark Freeman smiling in front of a podium giving a speech.

Mark Freeman Explains Mesa’s Economic Model

In Mesa, Arizona, the financial landscape is distinct, shaped by decisions made decades ago. Notably, the city operates without a primary property tax, a decision the city council and mayor made around the mid-1940s. This choice set the foundation for Mesa's current economic model.

Instead of relying on a primary property tax, Mesa's revenue is driven largely by a state-shared sales tax and the income generated from city-owned utilities. This approach has enabled the city to avoid a primary property tax and allowed its utilities to play a significant role in the city's economic mechanics.

The absence of a primary property tax in Mesa reflects a strategic choice to shift the financial burden away from property owners. This unique economic model is crucial in understanding how Mesa sustains its budget and funds various city services and infrastructure projects.

This approach has implications for Mesa's residents and businesses, influencing how the city manages its finances and invests in community development. The reliance on sales tax and utility revenue also means that Mesa's financial health is closely tied to the broader economic climate.

Mark Freeman, an experienced council member and mayoral candidate, is well-versed in Mesa's financial intricacies. Understanding this unique economic structure is vital for residents and businesses in grasping how Mesa operates and plans for its future.

As Mesa continues to evolve, this distinct economic model remains a foundational aspect of the city's financial planning and community investment strategies.