Mark Freeman at the GAIN event with citizens.

G.A.I.N.: Strengthening Mesa’s Communities Against Crime

As someone deeply committed to the safety and well-being of Mesa's residents, I'm excited to share with you an initiative that's close to my heart: G.A.I.N. (Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods). This annual statewide event is designed to bolster Neighborhood Watch programs and unite communities throughout Mesa with a singular mission—to let criminals know that we stand united against any form of criminal activity.

What is G.A.I.N.?

Initiated in 1998 as a cooler weather alternative to National Night Out, G.A.I.N. celebrates the success of crime prevention through community involvement. It's a day when we come together, turn on our porch lights, and strengthen the bonds within our neighborhoods.

Why Participate in G.A.I.N.?

The foundation of a safe community is built on strong relationships. G.A.I.N. offers the perfect platform to connect with neighbors and rekindle that sense of community. By hosting or attending a gathering, you're not just socializing; you're playing an active role in building a safer, stronger Mesa.

Who Can Join?

Absolutely everyone! Whether you're part of an apartment complex, a business, a residential area, or a mobile home community, G.A.I.N. is for you.

How to Get Involved:

  1. Choose a suitable time frame for your gathering.
  2. Register your event with Mesa PD.
  3. Invite your neighbors.
  4. Collect your planning packet on October 16th.
  5. Host your party in your chosen location.

The deadline to register is October 15, 2023. The sooner you register, the more resources you'll have access to leading up to the event on November 4th.

I genuinely believe that by coming together, we can make Mesa an even more wonderful place to live. Let's join hands, get to know our neighbors, and work collaboratively to ensure the safety and prosperity of our beloved city.

For more details and to register, please visit: